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Designing the future of Pizza (in one week)

Dr. Oetker hired us to run a one week sprint on new business development in the future of pizza. We wanted to get a better understanding of what is motivating people to choose pizza for a meal and to dig deeper around the experience of eating pizza so that we could look for opportunities for Dr. Oetker to create new experiences. We spent time with consumers to spot new opportunities, solve problems we picked up on, and to better understand needs. We zoomed into 12 households across the UK and Germany to get a slice of their pizza life. We learned that people love pizza in a variety of ways. From our research we brainstormed new business opportunities for Dr. Oetker that we quickly tested on the market for viability.


I took lead on the design strategy for the 1 week sprint, including creating; 

-storyboards for each idea

-a 'fake' brand called O' My Pizza


-social ads

-sparred with the team on the innovative business ideas

Summary clip from video delivered to client

Customer Journey.png
Mindset Delivery.jpg
Mindset Eat Out.jpg
Mindset Fridge.jpg
Mindset Home DIY.jpg

Storyboards of some of the ideas put forward

3D Print.png
DIY Pizza Party.png
Pizza Fresh - Meal kit delivery.png
Pizza Way.png
UBER Pizza.png
Pizza Builder.png
VOICE order Pizza.png
Borrow Nonna.png


Screen Shot 2020-12-01 at 17.07.43.png

Landing page to track conversions

Landing page.png

Social media story advert to test hypothesis

IG Story 02.png
IG Story 03.png
IG Story 01.png
IG Story 04.png
IG Story 05.png

Full length video delivered to client

Process snapshot

Screen Shot 2020-12-01 at 16.18.26.png

© This work is the copyright of Bain & Co

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